
The digital housing corporation

Rochdale ensures that people with a low income can live in Amsterdam, Zaanstad, Purmerend, Diemen and Landsmeer. With affordable, good quality homes, the housing corporation offers a home to over 80,000 people

The transformation of Rochdale

The housing corporation of the future is a digital housing corporation. To be well prepared for this future, Rochdale asked Second Company to assist in the digital transformation of the organisation. Second Company successfully bridged the gap between strategy and advice and implementation.

The approach of Second Company

The key to successful digital transformation is to have a good strategy and the agility to execute that strategy. Second Company advised Rochdale on this and drew up a ‘Strategic advice report digital transformation’.

Second Company then built a Master Portal and a Repair App for the housing corporation to concretise the strategy and take the first steps towards the digital housing corporation of the future.

The result

  • Centralisation and efficiency for the organisation thanks to the Master Portal. Inspired by Google, the master portal uses a navigation structure at application level. All apps and sub-applications can easily be managed centrally.
  • Transparency and convenience for residents by the Repair app. We designed this app so that the resident can follow the repair from A to Z by means of a track-and-trace interface.

Need help with your digital transformation?